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Toilets Must Be Gratis


Written by: Vanza Setia

Toilets are a basic human right. All people deserve gratis toilets. As a side note, "gratis" means zero price.

I prefer finding gratis toilets rather than paying for toilets.

I once went to a toilet in a public transportation hub. After I finished using it, two people were shouting, "Pay, pay!" There is no sign that the toilet is not gratis. I got angry. But I paid them anyway. If I knew that, I would rather find another toilet or prevent myself from going to the toilet in the first place by not drinking any water.

After that, when I visited that transportation hub again, I did not go to that toilet because I had prepared myself. I prepared myself by not drinking any water an hour before going to that place.

I hope you join me in rejecting paying toilets to defend a basic human right.

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