Sharing knowledge to fight ignorance.


I am a Christian. I am a web developer, writer, and privacy supporter. I do not have any social media accounts that you can scroll.

Web developer

I started learning web development in 2020 by following dozens of video tutorials. Then, I ended up with lots of learning projects. I was happy that I had created many projects.

Then, I started to make something on my own from scratch. But I did not know where to start. I did not know what to do. Then, I watched more tutorials. But I still ended up not knowing how.

I felt like web development was not for me. I could not create anything by myself. I could not even make a simple and good website. I thought, “What is wrong with me? I have watched lots of tutorials and followed along. Why could I still not make something on my own?”

But I did not want to give up. So I tried to find another way to learn.

In 2021, I found a learning platform called Frontend Mentor where I could make projects based on an existing design. I created 34 projects and helped hundreds of fellow developers by writing over 1700 comments in two years.

Next, I knew that I could turn designs into websites. So I decided to apply for jobs with the Frontend Mentor projects on my resume. I applied to five companies. Then, I got two interview calls. I passed one of them. But, I did not continue because the company wanted me to do some design work, which was something that I did not want to do.

Anyway, I still did not have a website that I built from scratch. After thinking for quite some time, I decided to develop a personal website.

In 2023, I published my website and chose as the domain name—I do not own it now. I wrote around 80 articles in a year. I had fun playing around with my website.

But, in early 2024, I did not want to maintain it anymore. I realized that I had made a lot of mistakes. After I learned more about writing in English, copyright, and software licenses, I decided to start over.

Then, in April 2024, I bought a new domain, I redesigned the website by making it rely on the browser’s styling mostly. I started writing new articles again.

In December 2024, I redesigned the website. I wanted it to have a modern look. Although the previous design was simple and good, it looked boring to me.

Here I am now. I am developing this website and writing articles about many exciting topics, including modern web development.


In December 2023, I became a volunteer to fix accessibility issues on a diocese’s website. I managed to fix minor issues on that website. (By the way, the website uses WordPress, and WordPress was something new to me.)

I could not fix the major issues, such as removing the carousel on that website. I asked the admin of that website to switch to a better alternative. I proposed the idea of using a three-column grid layout. But, the admin replied that if the admin could not inject the data as conveniently as using a carousel, then the admin would not accept it. At last, I could not remove the carousel because I could not convince the admin to care about web accessibility.

Then, the admin added a nasty feature to prevent people from copying the text. I complained to the admin to remove it. It increases the size of the website. It also removes one of the default features that all browsers have. But the admin said that the feature was added because a nun asked the admin to prevent plagiarism. But that reason was not a good reason to justify the feature. It restricts people from exercising one of the basic features that all browsers offer, so it is bad.

In the end, I decided to stop being a volunteer because the admin does not make accessibility a priority. Also, I do not want to become a part of the people who develop a website that restricts copying text.


I started writing articles in August 2021. I tried writing in Code Newbie. My first ever publication was about absolute and relative file paths. I also wrote a README every time I made a project from Frontend Mentor.

Although I did not get any comments, I found writing to be fun and interesting. I could help others through my articles. I realized that my writing and reading abilities are valuable.

Once I had a personal website, I became active in writing articles. I enjoyed the freedom of expressing myself, like sharing my ideas and my experience in coding with an Android device.

I always want to share what I have learned. Writing articles helps me to reinforce the knowledge that I learned. It helps others who face the same problem as me. It also allows me to organize my thoughts.


I hate when Christians think that they must tolerate evil acts because of Luke 6:29. They should interpret the verse with the other verses, Luke 6:27–36. Jesus said that in the context of a society with laws and police. That means fighting back is foolish because both of you will get into trouble. But you are wise when you do not fight back. Let the police do the job. Why do you need to make your hands dirty? Why don’t you just let the police fight for you? Be wise.

A Christian loves their enemies. That means teaching them to be good. Allowing them to keep doing evil to you is not love. It is misguidance.

I only follow Jesus Christ. I do not worship the pope. The pope is a human like me. The pope can not save himself from death like me. The pope is a sinner like me. I do not worship priests. I only worship God.

Privacy supporter

I do not have social media. In the past, I tried using many social media platforms. But none of them worked for me. Instead, they invaded my privacy. They could read all “private messages.” Those are not private messages when strangers can read those messages.

I prefer to pay cash. I walk instead of using Uber-like applications.

I also do not have a membership at any supermarket. I hate when the market knows what I buy. It can even make a list of everything that I buy. Why does the market do that? The answer is it wants you to believe you get cheap prices—or get privilege. The fact is you pay less than those who do not have a membership. You do not get the penalty—or mistakenly known as the normal price—because you are a member. Do you want to know more? Visit