Sharing knowledge to fight ignorance.


  • Effective Privacy Tips

    Don Marti gives us some privacy tips, starting from the simple ones to the complicated ones.

    Original author: Don Marti

    Commentator: Vanza Setia

  • Original author: Matthew Graybosch

    Commentator: Vanza Setia

  • Exploring the Personal Web

    If you are new to the world of personal websites, has a great collection of links, like web clubs, to help or motivate you to develop your own website.

    Original author:

    Commentator: Vanza Setia

  • Mobile-First CSS: Is It Time for a Rethink?

    Is there a better approach than mobile-first CSS? Let us evaluate an article that tries to answer it.

    Original author: Patrick Clancey

    Commentator: Vanza Setia

  • The HTML Hell Page

    A collection of bad web design decisions is a great resource for learning web design.

    Original author: Eric S. Raymond

    Commentator: Vanza Setia

  • Accessibility Myths

    Do you believe you need to be a genius to fix all accessibility issues?

    Original author: Sergei Kriger

    Commentator: Vanza Setia