Sharing knowledge to fight ignorance.

Sharing Is Good


Written by: Vanza Setia

If you watch a movie without paying any money, you are not stealing from anyone. You are not doing any harm by listening to music and sharing copies with your friends.

When I ask a person, "What is the logic behind 'watching a movie without paying is equal to stealing'?" That person replies, "That is just how it is." That is not an answer. This person is resignedly accepting the enemy's propaganda that sharing is the same as stealing.

Now, what is sharing? Sharing means distributing exact copies of a work non-commercially.

Someone tells me that sharing copies of a work of art means helping the artist to promote the work with zero price. The artist does not have to pay lots of money for advertisement. People who love the work will be willing to share and tell their friends without even thinking whether they get paid or not.

Copyright law that prohibits people from sharing is bad. The law is bad, not the people who share copies of a work. The law can not change the nature of a human being to be kind to each other.

Remember that the law exists to uphold justice. The law is not the one that defines justice. If the law defines justice, then people who have control over the law will dictate what justice means to the public.

The copyright law must legalize sharing. All people must be allowed to make copies of any works and distribute them non-commercially.

Also, do you know the purpose of copyright law? Copyright law exists to promote the progress of art and science. Sharing copies of any works does that well. The purpose is intended for the benefit of the public. If the law starts doing the opposite, which is attacking the public, it becomes wrong.

Refuse the term "piracy" to refer to sharing. That term is used to demonize sharing. Sharing is not morally equal to attacking a ship. Sharing is good and can be fun.

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