Proudly Inaccessible
I always aim to make this website accessible to many people. But, I never want to make a website accessible to all people on the internet. That is impossible.
The text on this website is only accessible to people who understand English. Those who do not understand English may not understand the information on this website. Also, automatic translator tools can cause miscommunication because they can not tell the author's intention. They can only switch phrases from one language to another language. They can not switch the meaning of phrases from one language to another language. They are language switchers—not translators.
Additionally, language always excludes people. The words I use exclude people. For example, Islamic terrorists really hate me because I am a Christian—but I do not think they will visit this website anyway. Some people hate Christians. They might avoid visiting any website that promotes or teaches Christianity.
Some internet providers may block specific top-level domains. As a result, some people may not even be able to access this website in the first place.
This website does not use JavaScript. But lots of websites require users to run proprietary JavaScript. People who do not tolerate those proprietary programs can not access those websites because they block them. Also, the JavaScript may not even arrive to the user's browser.
My primary goal is to make this website to be accessible to myself. That means I can maintain and access the website effortlessly. Then, my next goal is to make it accessible to as many people as possible.
Perfection—making website accessible to everyone—is inaccessible to me. So, I strive for improvements over time rather than perfection.
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