Sharing knowledge to fight ignorance.

Merry Christmas 2024


Written by: Vanza Setia

Merry Christmas, everyone!

I finished redesigning this website. What do you think? (You can find my email address, right?)

I was aware that the design looked plain. I like plain design. But I wanted this website to look trustworthy. I also got bored with the old look anyway. So I improved the whole visual design significantly—and many other things too.

Dress to impress.

The last time I did a major design update was in early 2024. I did that because the look of this website was a bit complicated. There were lots of thick horizontal lines. The maximum width of this website was only 60ch. It was too narrow. So I made it simpler and more straightforward.

This is the second time I have redesigned this website. Everything looks better this time.

I learned a lot while redesigning it. CSS got lots of updates—including a new logo. Then, Eleventy got a major update—version 3.0.0. I like that. It can still reduce its size. It is great.

This article is the first published article with the new design. I write it here so that I can find the exact date of the latest major design update easily—finding it using git log is not convenient.

To summarize, I made a list.

  • The first major design was in early 2024.
  • The second major design was at the end of 2024.
  • My focus now is to fill this website with high-quality articles.
  • CSS becomes more powerful.
  • Eleventy is still good.

Happy holidays. Merry Christmas!

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