Do aliens exist? Alien is a strange being that flies using a mysterious flying object called an unidentified flying object (UFO). I have some theories about aliens.
Alien is a different size from a human
I always imagine an alien is the same size as a human. But that is not probably the case. What if the size of the alien is extremely bigger or smaller than human?
Alien is gigantic
Imagine an ant and yourself standing side by side. If an alien sees a human as an ant, the alien will not be interested in humans. That is the same logic as a human not interested in invading an ant world.
The problem with this theory is that if an alien is millions of times bigger than a human, the alien spaceship may crush the Earth. Humans can accidentally destroy a house of ants. The alien can do that too.
Another problem is that, as far as I know, no planet is as millions of times bigger than Earth. As a result, there is no way aliens can be that big.
Alien is tiny
In this theory, the alien is only as big as the ants. If the aliens live the size of an ant, but the planet is as big as the Earth, they can not go out to space. There are three reasons to support the argument.
- First, the aliens can not create a rocket that can fly through their own planet. Even if they try, they will give up because their planet is gigantic. They can only dream about it.
- Second, the aliens are still exploring their planet. Unlike humans who have explored the entire land on Earth, the aliens are still exploring their planet. The size of their planet is humongous, so they need a lot of time before they fully discover it.
- Third, scientists have not discovered any strange materials in the space. That means the aliens can not make a spaceship yet. They are probably still thinking about how to create an airplane to travel on their planet.
Alien is not a living being
Alien is the same as a virus or bacteria. The alien does not have a mind like a human. It is not greedy and has the will to conquer the world. It does not care about technology. All it cares is to survive as long as it can.
Alien is slow in reproduction
Humans evolve and become better. If humans can live for thousands of years, humans will experience slow technological development. Why? People who lead a kingdom or country are ancient. People will only follow what already exists. Then, if they can live for thousands of years, they will think about living leisurely. So, if aliens can live for thousands of years or longer, their technology is not advanced.
Alien has not yet existed
I always think that aliens exist at the same time as human beings. But what if aliens did not yet exist? Maybe they will exist in the future.
Alien was exist
Now aliens are extinct. Rest in peace.
Alien does not exist
Alien is a human imagination or a hope that humans are not alone in the universe. It did not exist. It does not and will not exist.
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