Sharing knowledge to fight ignorance.

2024 in Less than 365 Words


Written by: Vanza Setia

This year is both good and bad.

I rent a new domain name——for three years. I thought I could never rent a new one because I did not have money.

I still can not do intermittent fasting consistently every five days a week. My eating window is from 9 AM until 5 PM. But sometimes I eat at 7 PM.

I am happy that I could update this website, and it looks better than ever.

I am happy that I am getting better at controlling myself. I can understand that approval from others is not necessary. I do not need to make everyone happy. I can value myself and act according to my beliefs. When people mock me, I can stand to support myself. I do not run away like a chicken. I speak up for myself. I can accept my weaknesses and learn to overcome them.

I wrote an article at Frontend Mentor. That was the first time that I got lots of useful feedback from the editors. I was happy.

I am happy that my parents and my sibling keep supporting me, although they are not physically together with me now.

I hope this year you have lots of good experiences. I hope your bitter experience makes you stronger.

We pray to God that next year will be another wonderful year with lots of interesting events. We pray also that if we have to go through hard times, God will give us strength to overcome any challenges.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2025, everyone!


New year is coming
Will it be better or worse?
I am ready, folks!
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