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Author: Vanza Setia
Web Resign
Web design is normal. But "Web Resign" is more normal.
Author: Vanza Setia
The Basic Guide to CSS Selector
"Which is the right CSS selector to use?" This article guides you by giving different criteria to choose the right CSS selector.
Author: Vanza Setia
The Beginner Guide to Develop Websites on Android
Make your web from scratch without a computer. I tell you everything you need to know to develop websites on your Android device.
Author: Vanza Setia
Latest articles
Christians May Not Be Around
Where are Christians? Can I find them?
Author: Vanza Setia
Author: Vanza Setia
Author: Vanza Setia
One Action
One action is better than two actions. The more actions your users are required to do, the more code you need to write too—think about that.
Author: Vanza Setia
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I am a Christian. I develop websites with modern techniques and accessibility in mind. I am a privacy supporter.
My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.
—Hosea 4:6 New International Version (NIV)
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