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Exploring the Personal Web


Original author:

Commentator: Vanza Setia

The first rule regarding personal websites is: “There are no rules.”

That is absolutely correct. You have complete freedom to do whatever you want with it.

But if you want to host it so that other people from around the world can see your website, you need to agree with the terms and conditions from the hosting provider. Then, if you want to rent—not buy—a custom domain, you need to agree with another terms and conditions.

Sadly, there is no way to host your own website without relying on a company.

Nevertheless, you have more freedom compared to social media platforms. You do not have any character limit. You can write as much as you want. You can post a video. You can post images. You are as free as the law allows you—absolute freedom does not exist.

Anyway, the article of gives you lots of links that list personal websites, like web rings and web clubs. You can join them. You can also look at those personal websites to inspire you to build your website or motivate you to keep developing yours.

If social media never existed, I think web clubs or web rings or blog platforms are ways for people to connect and to express themselves.