

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated


I would say: "Website is simple, but developers insist on making it complicated."

Do you know KISS? KISS stands for Keep It Simple and Short. But, KISS is not short.

The short version of KISS is KIS which stands for Keep It Simple.

KIS is better than KISS because

Wait. KIS is not simple enough. It has three words: "Keep," "It," and "Simple." Those can be hard for people to understand.

S is the simplest thing which stands for Simple—one letter for one word.

Yup, simple.

Not really.

Not everyone understands English. The word "simple" is not simple enough for all people around the world.

The simplest thing is to have nothing.

No KISS, no KIS, no S. Just nothing. Empty. Blank.

By the way, I may not need to write this blog post. I make things complicated.