About this website
The articles on this website encourage you to think critically. I invite you to judge whether what I write is right or wrong. Fight against intellectual laziness.
Intellectual laziness is an invisible disease that makes a person let others decide. The person is too lazy to think. In fact, the person constantly decides to let others make decisions. This disease makes the person a slave—either a society’s slave or someone else’s slave.
The articles are mainly about web development. I give you information that most tutorials do not cover. I also write on many other exciting topics about life in general from my perspective as a person among eight billion people on the earth.
All the articles use plain English and plain HTML. I do not like using jargon. If I must use it, I explain it clearly. I use Eleventy, a static site generator, that generates plain HTML for all pages on this website.
You can export any articles to PDF—or print them on physical paper. Share them freely with Creative Commons licenses.
By the way, this website has some invisible features that you can not find on your favorite news websites.
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People are bad because they do not know the effects of their actions. They are either being fooled by evil people or are stubborn. For example, an ignorant person believes that swearing is cool. How can that happen? People around that person do not say that using dirty words is bad. Instead, they give good reactions—such as laughing. But real educated people look down on that person.
People are also bad because they get the wrong idea. That means they keep doing harmful activities while believing those activities bring positive impacts. For example, making lots of projects by watching tutorial videos makes beginner developers feel satisfied and learn a lot. But, when they want to make something from scratch by themselves, they do not know what to do. In fact, they learn nothing about programming. They only learn the skill to follow tutorials. Instead, they should spend their time reading code from projects, developing projects by themselves, and using tutorials only when they stuck.
When I say "free knowledge," that does not mean every book or anything must have zero price. I am in favor of people doing business. Opposing commercial activities is impossible anyway because we need money. I mean "free" as in "free speech."
I oppose keeping knowledge to be jailed. Knowledge should not be locked—such as using proprietary formats, using Digital Restrictions Management (DRM), and using copyright law. Knowledge must have freedom. Otherwise, only people with extraordinary power or privilege can be smart.
Knowing the truth helps people be free. I want people to have their freedom. They should control their lives. The only way to get that is through knowledge.